H2Ohio Program and Enrollment Resources
The Ohio Department of Agriculture's H2Ohio program provides cost-share funding for farmers to implement proven, science-based best management practices (BMPs). These BMPs minimize the agricultural loss of nutrients from farm fields, with the ultimate goal of reducing the nutrient load into the waterways that contribute towards harmful algal blooms. Click here to review the Practice Overview and Practice Standards.
The newest iteration of the H2Ohio Phosphorus Reduction Program is now underway for the Maumee Watershed. Eligible producers include those with acres in Allen, Auglaize, Defiance, Fulton, Henry, Hardin, Hancock, Lucas, Mercer, Putnam, Paulding, Van Wert, Williams and Wood Counties. Click here to review the Program Overview.
The newest iteration of the H2Ohio Phosphorus Reduction Program is now underway for the Maumee Watershed. Eligible producers include those with acres in Allen, Auglaize, Defiance, Fulton, Henry, Hardin, Hancock, Lucas, Mercer, Putnam, Paulding, Van Wert, Williams and Wood Counties. Click here to review the Program Overview.
A Voluntary Nutrient Management Plan or equivalent documentation is required for enrollment. Plans will be developed in the 'MyFarms' application program with assistance from SWCD staff.
Minimum Requirements of Ohio Voluntary Nutrient Management Plans - ORC 905.31(DD):
If you have any questions or are interested in participating in the H2Ohio program in Lucas County, please contact:
Matthew Browne
H2Ohio Technician
Office: (419) 893-1966 ext. 3#
Mobile: (419) 377-0901
[email protected]
Minimum Requirements of Ohio Voluntary Nutrient Management Plans - ORC 905.31(DD):
- Soil tests must be compliant with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) field office technical guide and not older than four years.
- Documentation of the method and seasonal time of utilization and application of nutrients.
- Identification of all nutrients applied, including manure, fertilizer, sewage sludge, and bio-digester residue.
- Field information regarding land subject to the plan, including the location, spreadable acreage, crops grown, and actual and projected yields.
If you have any questions or are interested in participating in the H2Ohio program in Lucas County, please contact:
Matthew Browne
H2Ohio Technician
Office: (419) 893-1966 ext. 3#
Mobile: (419) 377-0901
[email protected]
H2Ohio Phosphorus Reduction CY 2022 Program Update
Above is a summary of the total acres completed for Crop Year 2022. We are pleased to note that last year saw a 133% increase in the acres established for Overwintering Cover Crops!
Farmers participating in the H2Ohio Phosphorus Reduction Program are currently wrapping up the final year of their original contracts (Crop Year 2023). Registration & Enrollment for a new iteration of the H2Ohio program is underway.
Contact Matt Browne to learn more about the H2Ohio program and get started on the enrollment process. |
H2Ohio Statewide Wetland Grant Program
The H2Ohio Statewide Wetland Grant Program is a reimbursement grant program that provides up-to-100 percent project funding for high quality natural-infrastructure projects focused on nutrient reduction and water quality improvement across the State of Ohio. This grant program is state-funded through Ohio’s H2Ohio program and is administered by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (“ODNR”). Per-project budget must be justified in the application with a minimum funding request of approximately $50,000 with no maximum funding cap. The grant application (found online here) must be submitted to ODNR's H2Ohio Program in a searchable pdf format by August 25th, 2023.
Types of Eligible H2Ohio Wetland or Natural-Infrastructure Projects Include:
Types of Eligible H2Ohio Wetland or Natural-Infrastructure Projects Include:
- Wetland creation
- Hydrologic restoration of wetlands on hydric soils
- Hydrologic enhancement of existing wetlands, floodplains, and riparian corridors
- Stream, conservation channel design and floodplain restoration
- Restoration of forested riparian buffers
- Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) Abatement Projects
- Dam removal and associated restoration
- Property acquisition if associated with water quality restoration project
- Stormwater retention and/or green infrastructure projects