Congratulations to our re-elected
Board Supervisor, Kevin Joyce!
Kevin has been a Lucas SWCD Board Supervisor since 2021. He gained extensive experience in conservation and farmland preservation as Executive Director of Black Swamp Conservancy and Ohio Project Manager with The Trust for Public Land. He also was on the steering committee of the Coalition of Ohio Land Trusts. Kevin has been a member of the Natural Resources Assistance Council of Lucas County for 13 years. He has lived in Lucas County for over 40 years and has a law degree from the University of Toledo, a master's degree from Bowling Green State University - College of Business and a bachelor's degree in biology from Case Western Reserve University. His wife is a Registered Nurse and they have two adult daughters. Kevin became interested in serving on the Lucas SWCD Board after working successfully with several NW Ohio SWCDs while at the Black Swamp Conservancy.
Kevin will begin a new three-year term commencing January 1, 2024. |
Congratulations to our newly-elected
Board Supervisor, Bill Wolf!
Bill spent his 37 year career in agri-business as a commodity trader and most recently as president of The Andersons plant nutrient group. He officially retired in 2018. Bill is a commissioner on the Ohio Lake Erie Commission and is a member of the International Joint Commission collaborative dealing with Lake Erie water quality issues. He is also an Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist for Metroparks Toledo. Bill and his wife, Kate, have lived in Lucas County for over 15 years.
Bill will begin a three-year term commencing January 1, 2024. |